ThinkIN has always valued research and development activities, also and especially because of its origin in the research world of Trentino.
During the years, we have developed different research projects you can find below.
The DIAMANT project combines digitization and sustainability to make building renovation more efficient and cost-effective. By creating a new digital supply chain that can optimize information management and minimize errors, the project aims to reduce the cost of prefabricated wood products and promote the use of alternatives to traditional solutions increasing the renovation rate.
Project Details:
Name: ERDF 1015 DIAMANT - DIgital Advanced MANufacturing of Timber facades
CUP: B57H23003880007
Operational Programme: Regional Program "Investments for Employment and Growth" ERDF 2021-2027 for the Autonomous Province of Bolzano-Alto Adige.
Partners: Fraunhofer Italia Research s.c.a.r.l., Eurac Research, ThinkIN, Rubner Holzbau, ALPI Fenster

The experimental research project ThinkInFire+ funded by the European Commission within the H2020 program, started on March 1st 2017 and ended on May 31st 2018, aims at developing and experimenting a new indoor customer behaviour analysis service (ThinkIN+) for retailers on the FIRE experimental infrastructure. The service allows stores to monitor, in a discrete way and in compliance with privacy regulations, how shoppers move inside the store and how they interact with products on display.

The DigiFlow project, of EIT Digital, was focused on industrial manufacturing contexts characterised by the co-presence of advanced automation and specialised workforce, as well as by frequent movements of goods throughout the entire production process. The project developed an innovative solution able to digitise the manufacturing process, starting from the location and tracking of assets (e.g., trolleys to move material, pallets or forklifts) as well as people within production plants.

The INCANT project is the result of an open call of the European project H2020 VICINITY and it aims at integrating IoT (Internet of Things) with data on indoor positioning, together with support services which are necessary for an integration with the ecosystem as well as with the VICINITY platform. The interoperability of location technologies is the leading element of the INCANT project, allowing IoT devices for an interaction based on their indoor position, as well as to co-create new value added services that cover heterogeneous applications.

The aim of the project, in response to the emergency situation due to COVID-19 pandemic, is to develop, implement and launch on the market a contact tracing solution based on physical tokens to be given to workers, in compliance with GDPR regulation. The solution to be developed has as main targets large industrial plants and offices, characterised by the necessity of working in presence in order to be able to operate. The predicted impact includes improvements in terms of monitoring physical distancing, case management as well as safety at work and guarantee of continuity of production activities.

Eiger is a joint project with Datatellers, funded by the Autonomous Province of Bozen and in collaboration with the Free University of Bozen. The EIGER project targets supermarkets, and has as its objective the creation of a tool for (i) the joint analysis of foot traffic, sales data and data from external sources (eg, social media, weather, other), (ii) the analysis and modelling of customer behaviour through machine learning and big data analytics tools, and (iii) the predictive evaluation of the impact of any change inside the store (eg. reorganisation of the layout or marketing campaign) through an environment simulation.

TOFANE is a joint project with Dimension, funded by the Autonomous Province of Trento and in collaboration with FBK. The objective of TOFANE is the creation of ThinkIN for fairs, an advanced platform for the provision of services in the exhibition field, starting from the location of visitors and objects. ThinkIN for fairs will allow the provision of services to both visitors of a specific trade fair event (e.g., navigation, sending of personalised content) and to trade fair organisators (e.g., analysis of visitor flow and asset tracking during the mounting and dismantling operations).

Voice Asset Locator (VAL)
This project, funded by EIT Manufacturing, aims to develop a solution that facilitates access to spatial information through a user interface based on voice search and AI in a production/manufacturing context. The proposed solution provides geo-aware voice audio feedback to operators on the shop floor, simplifying operations such as picking or moving Work in Progress (WIP) between different storage areas. The goal is to implement a location intelligence solution that makes work more inclusive within manufacturing companies.